Rodney Tom 48th District State Senate Campaign Fundraising Event

Rodney Tom is running for 48th LD State Senate. People from local Chinese American community have found that Tom’s views on education, taxes align with their views. To show their supports, more than 20 people attended a home fundraising event this past Sunday, and they raised $8,900 during the event for Tom’s campaign. After a … Read more

48th LD Sen. Patty Kuderer’s State Bank is a Terrible Idea

48th District State Senator Patty Kuderer wants a state bank. She said that she has lots of data to prove it is a great idea. Well, turns out, there is only one state-ran and state-owned bank in this country – the Bank of North Dakota.  However, in the 1800s, there were a number of state-owned banks … Read more

Michael Appleby 41st District State Representative Campaign Kick Off

41st District State Representative candidate, Michale Appleby, held a campaign kick off event at Top Gun Seafood Restaurant in Bellevue yesterday. Among Appleby’s supporters are a group of Chinese American parents. Appleby had a meet-and-greet meeting with some Chinese American parents in mid-May, and earned their supports. People like his views on education, fiscal responsibility, … Read more

41st LD State Representative Candidate My-Linh Thai’s Campaign Issues

My-Linh Thai filed her candidacy for the 41st LD State Representative Position #2 back in March. However, when web site District 41 Election Guide tried to compile Thai and her two opponents’ campaign issues, they could not find what Thai cares about. Neither My-Linh Thai’s campaign web site nor her campaign Facebook page has her campaign … Read more

41st LD State Representative Candidate Michael Appleby Meet-and-Greet

Please meet GOP candidate, Michael Appleby, who is running for the 41st LD State Representative Position #2.  Appleby is running against My-Linh Thai (D), and Wendy Weiker (D). My-Linh Thai  has been pushing for racial equity policies that promote racial preferential treatment at BSD for years and has endorsements from senators that sponsored SB 6406, … Read more

48th LD State Senate Candidate Rodney Tom on Education

A group of parents from the 48th LD met with State Senate candidate Rodney Tom last month. Tom’s education reform plan resonated well with this group of parents. Here are Rodney Tom’s views on education: Tom is for fully funding education. Education’s share of the state’s operating budget has grown to 51 percent, and Tom … Read more