Follow Up Letter to UW College of Arts and Sciences Dean Requesting Teaching Professor Connie So To Be Removed From the OSPI Contract Project

On March 31, we sent a letter to the Dean of the UW College of Arts and Sciences, Dianne Harris, and requested that teaching professor Connie So be removed from an OSPI project on Americans of Chinese Descent History due to her recent xenophobic comments regarding “Americans of Chinese descent”. Seeing no action from the … Read more

Examining Professor So’s Problematic Research That Was Financed by Improperly Diverted Funds From the Proviso to OSPI

At the House State Government and Tribal Relations Committee public hearing on March 21, UW Teaching Professor Connie So claimed that she was “commissioned” by the OSPI “to assess the appropriate month to honor Chinese Americans, yes, Chinese Americans, not just Americans of Chinese descent”. She falsely projected an image of authority in her testimony. … Read more

Letter to UW College of Arts and Sciences Dean Requesting Teaching Professor Connie So To Be Removed From the OSPI Contract Project

We sent a letter to the Dean of the UW College of Arts and Sciences, Dianne Harris, and requested that teaching professor Connie So be removed from an OSPI project on Americans of Chinese Descent History due to her recent xenophobic comments regarding “Americans of Chinese descent”. Below is the full letter. Dear Dean Harris, … Read more

Press Release – Community Members Are Outraged by UW Professor Connie So’s Claim That Chinese Americans Are Not Americans

For Immediate ReleaseMarch 27, 2022 UW professor, Connie So, disavows Chinese Americans as Americans. Outraged Chinese American community plan to file a complaint with the UW Senate. BELLEVUE, WA, March 27, 2023 – At the Washington State House State Government and Tribal Relations Committee’s public hearing on March 21, University of Washington teaching professor, Connie … Read more

48th LD State Senate Candidate Rodney Tom on Education

A group of parents from the 48th LD met with State Senate candidate Rodney Tom last month. Tom’s education reform plan resonated well with this group of parents. Here are Rodney Tom’s views on education: Tom is for fully funding education. Education’s share of the state’s operating budget has grown to 51 percent, and Tom … Read more

Repeal of I-200 Will Hurt Asian Americans in College Admission

CNN just came out with a news on March 10th: “Suit accusing Harvard of capping Asian-American admissions could be tried this summer“.  It is no secret that racial quota hurts Asian Americans’ chance to get into colleges and graduate schools. Asian American Coalition for Education has a long list of studies to prove that racial … Read more