Mahlon Meyer’s unethical plot to frame a reporting piece with preplanned agenda and attack the Chinese American community

Public Records show that NW Asian Weekly reporter, Mahlon Meyer (马一龙), grossly violated the basic journalist’s ethic code, and framed his article on Chinese American history month bill to fit his preplanned agenda. We are appalled by the April 22, 2021 NW Asian Weekly article which politicized SB 5264, the Chinese American history bill. In … Read more

Statement: Asian American Community condemns recent anti-Jewish attacks

Members of the Asian American community in Washington state are horrified by the recent attacks toward the Jewish community in cities across the US.  Those anti-Jewish attacks are completely unacceptable and must stop.  Asian Americans stand with our Jewish neighbors and friends in condemning those brutal attacks on Jewish people and all hate-based attacks or anti-Semitic propaganda, … Read more