48th LD State Senate Candidate Rodney Tom on Education

A group of parents from the 48th LD met with State Senate candidate Rodney Tom last month. Tom’s education reform plan resonated well with this group of parents. Here are Rodney Tom’s views on education:

  • Tom is for fully funding education. Education’s share of the state’s operating budget has grown to 51 percent, and Tom said a top priority, if elected, is to guard against lawmakers backsliding on public-schools funding.
  • Tom wants to allow principals to hire and fire teachers at their schools, and install merit-based raises. “We need to make sure we have the best teachers in the classroom, especially in some of our more difficult schools,” Tom said.
  • Tom also wants to protect traditional education funding. He does not support putting some social programs—such as homeless school children—under the umbrella of more traditional education funding.
  • Tom is passionate about making higher education affordable. Lowering tuition, offering some college books online at fraction of the cost are some of the ideas he constantly talks about.


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