Whistleblower Tips on I-1000 Petition Form Irregularity – Update 1

The Secretary of State (SOS) issued a Media Advisory today, rejected only 61 I-1000 petition sheets. This number was much lower than what our whistleblower informed us. We contacted SOS, and were given the following run down. And yes, you are reading the table correctly, I-1644 texts are on those I-1000 petition sheets. As the … Read more

In the Battle Against I-1000, Asians are the Underprivileged

Proponents of I-1000 claim that they are going after “white privilege”, and consider the Asian American Community a part of the group that has benefited from I-200. However, in the battle against I-1000, Asian Americans are the underprivileged. Asian Americans bounded together to fight against I-1000 are facing an uphill battle against special interest groups, … Read more

I-1000 Is A 21st Century Chinese Exclusion Act

75 years after Chinese Exclusion Act was repealed in this country, Governor Inslee and some state legislators want to bring back Chinese Exclusion Act once more. Governor Jay Inslee issued a statement on Friday, Jan. 4th , and placed passing I-1000 by the Legislature on high priority in the 2019 session. I-1000, an Initiative to … Read more

Join our fight for I-200

I-1000, an Initiative to the Legislature to repeal I-200, submitted 350K signatures on Friday, January 4th, 2019. Governor Jay Inslee immediately issued a statement and placed passing I-1000 by the Legislature on high priority in the upcoming session. The upcoming fight against I-1000 and for I-200 will be a tough one. We need all the … Read more

I-200 Banned Discrimination, Now I-1000 Wants to Bring it Back

Lots of recent criticisms against President Trump is that he supports discrimination against country of origin, race, sex. People pushing for Initiative 1000 (I-1000) are trying to bring back discrimination that has been banned since 1998 in Washington state.   Which side are those people on? In 1998, voters passed Washington State Civil Rights Initiative, i.e. … Read more

Initiative 1000 Wants to Bring Back Preferential Treatment

Initiative 1000 (I-1000) is misleading voters in order to gather enough signatures to repeal Washington State Civil Rights Initiative (I-200) . The people and organizations behind I-1000 are the same ones behind the failed I-1644 . Outspent by 3 to 1, I-200 won nearly 59% of votes 20 years ago. It won in 38 of … Read more

Initiative 1644 Is All About Preferential Treatment

Initiative 1644 is collecting voter signatures trying to get onto this November’s ballot. People and organizations behind I-1644 on purposely misled well intentioned voters with words “Equality” to mask their true discrimination intend. In I-1644’s petition form, it says “This measure would allow government to implement affirmative action that does not constitute preferential treatment in … Read more

Repeal of I-200 Will Hurt Asian Americans in College Admission

CNN just came out with a news on March 10th: “Suit accusing Harvard of capping Asian-American admissions could be tried this summer“.  It is no secret that racial quota hurts Asian Americans’ chance to get into colleges and graduate schools. Asian American Coalition for Education has a long list of studies to prove that racial … Read more