LWSD Blackwell Elementary Chinese New Year Incident Update

Dissatisfied with LWSD’s initial response to our Discrimination Complaint, we filed an appeal with the LWSD superintendent, Dr. Jon Holm, and the district board. On June 8th, LWSD Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Joy A. Ross sent us the district’s response to our appeal (see below). In the response, Dr. Ross stated that “Regarding apologies, Mr. Eaton … Read more

Appeal to LWSD’s Response to Discrimination Complaint

We filed a formal discrimination complaint against LWSD on March 31st. On May 2nd, LWSD ruled against our complaint and denied our request for information disclosure and a public apology (see LWSD’s response below ). On May 10th, we filed an appeal with the district superintendent, Dr. Jon Holm, and the district board. Below is … Read more

Formal Discrimination Complaint Filed Against LWSD

On March 31, after more than a month’s effort to resolve the Blackwell Elementary Chinese New Year incident with LWSD failed, we filed a formal discrimination complaint against LWSD. LWSD superintendent and board were copied on this complaint. Dear Mr. Patterson, Recently, we received reports from the Chinese American community about a Washington Civil Rights … Read more

Blackwell Elementary Chinese American Community’s letter to LWSD

On March 18th, Blackwell Elementary principal, Jim Eaton, sent out an “apology” letter addressing the Blackwell Chinese New Year incident. The Chinese American community has repeatedly requested that the school and district rescind their decision to label the incident as “cultural appropriation” and issue an apology to Mrs. Nicholson and the Chinese American community. Yet, … Read more

Request a formal investigation into the Blackwell Elementary Chinese New Year incident

At the request of Chinese American parents at the Blackwell Elementary School in LWSD, we submitted the request for a formal investigation today. Below is the letter sent to Director Ortega: Dear Director Ortega, As I mentioned in my letter to Mrs. Nicholson last night, we are requesting a formal investigation into the Blackwell Elementary … Read more