News Alert: New Billboard Is Up to Protest Laurie Jinkins for Allowing Partisan Politics to Kill the Chinese American History Month

July 14, 2022For Immediate Release The Chinese American Community Put up the Second Billboard in Speaker Jinkins’ District to Protest Her Decision To Allow Partisan Politics To Chinese American History Month Bellevue Washington – July 14, 2022 – The second billboard was put up in Speaker Laurie Jinkins’ district to protest her decision to allow … Read more

Speaker Jinkins owes the public an answer for allowing her caucus to politicize and kill Chinese American History Month

In Speaker of the House Laurie Jinkin’s recent opinion piece, “Governing is hard.Politicking isn’t”, she lauded her caucus for focusing on governing, not politicking. However, just a couple of months ago, the House Democrat Caucus played politics and killed ESB 5264, the Chinese American History Month bill. If passed, ESB 5264 would declare January as Americans of Chinese descent history month and encourage … Read more

News Alert: A Billboard Is up in House Speaker Laurie Jinkins’ District to Protest Her Decision To Kill Chinese American History Month

May 18, 2022 For Immediate Release THE CHINESE AMERICAN COMMUNITY IN WASHINGTON PUT UP A BILLBOARD IN SPEAKER LAURIE JINKINS’ DISTRICT TO PROTEST HER DECISION TO KILL CHINESE AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH Bellevue Washington – May 18, 2022 – A billboard was put up in House Speaker Laurie Jinkins’ district last Friday. The message on the billboard … Read more

An Open Letter to All House Democrats – Laurie Jinkins’s decision to kill the Chinese American History Month Bill was wrong.

This year, SB 5264, the Chinese American History Month bill, passed the state Senate 48 to 0 and made it as far as the House floor calendar. An all-member floor vote would designate January as Chinese American History Month, just as the state legislature did in 2019 – designating October as Filipino American Month. However, … Read more

Democrats should be held accountable for denying Chinese American History Month

In 1785, three Chinese immigrants landed in the US, starting Americans of Chinese descent’s long history in this country. In Washington, this history can be traced back to the beginning of the Washington Territory in 1853, at which time a measure was adopted to deny Chinese people the right to vote. Despite this discrimination, Chinese … Read more

Press Release – Calling it 21st century Chinese Exclusion, Chinese American community strongly condemns House Democratic Leadership for expelling Americans Of Chinese descent history month bill from WA state law

For Immediate ReleaseMarch 7, 2022 CALLING IT 21st CENTURY CHINESE EXCLUSION, CHINESE AMERICAN COMMUNITY STRONGLY CONDEMNS HOUSE DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP FOR EXPELLING AMERICANS OF CHINESE DESCENT HISTORY MONTH BILL FROM WA STATE LAW Bellevue Washington – March 7, 2022 – Outraged by House Democratic Leadership’s expulsion of the Americans of Chinese descent history month bill from … Read more

How much does House Democrat hate the Chinese American Community?

We have been watching this legislative session’s bill cutoff day wrap up in front of our eyes in disbelief! The House Democratic Leadership valued pickleball over Chinese American history and passed the pickleball bill before the 5pm deadline, but did not bring the American of Chinese Descent History Month bill out for a floor vote.  Chinese immigrants first landed in … Read more

Press Release – Chinese American Community Strongly Condemns Senate Democrat Leadership for Blocking Chinese American History Month Bill, and Says anti-Asian Racism should not Be Tolerated in Olympia

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAPRIL 26, 2021 CHINESE AMERICAN COMMUNITY STRONGLY CONDEMNS SENATE DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP FOR BLOCKING CHINESE AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH BILL, AND SAYS ANTI-ASIAN RACISM SHOULD NOT BE TOLERATED IN OLYMPIA Bellevue Washington – April 26, 2021 – Outraged by Senate Democrat Leadership’s intentional derailment of SB 5264, the Chinese American history month bill, the Chinese … Read more

News Alert: Is reviving SB 5264 just a staged show put up by Senate Democrat? – Evidences suggest yes

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAPRIL 20, 2021 Senate Democrat staged a show without the real intention to pass SB 5264, Chinese American History Month Bill Senator Democrat Leadership put their anti-Asian mindset on display Less than a week after we sent out a news alert and called out Senate Democrat’s inherent racism against Asian Americans, SB 5264 … Read more

News Alert – Democrat controlled WA Senate stalled Asian bill and let it die yet put Black bill on fast track to pass

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAPRIL 9, 2021 Senate Democrat needs to exam its inherent bias against Asians Democrat controlled Senate stalled Asian bill and let it die yet put Black bill on fast track to pass Bellevue, WA – April 9th, 2021 – Early this year, Senator Wagoner sponsored SB 5264, a bill that would declare January … Read more