Joint Complaint Filed Against Senator Patty Kuderer Over Usage of Racist Words

On January 20th, 2020, WA Asians For Equality and American Coalition For Equality filed joint complaint against Senator Patty Kuderer. During the January 17th Senate Housing Stability & Affordability Committee meeting, Senator Kuderer used known racist words “Chinese Fire Drill”. Senator Kuderer has the reputation of treating Chinese Americans in her district without respect. In our January 5th, 2019 article, we quoted report that “Patty Kuderer, who support I-1000, have told their constituents that “Life isn’t always fair” when Asian parents raised concerns about their kids’ future if I-1000 were passed by the Legislature.”

Below is the video of Senator Kuderer’s racist comment using “Chinese Fire Drill”

Senator Patty Kuderer laughed and carelessly used racist words “Chinese Fire Drill”

Below is the complaint letter sent to Secretary of Senate and Senate Counsels. We demand Senator Patty Kuderer to issue an official apology to Chinese Americans.

Dear Mr. Hendrickson, Ms. Gorrell & Ms. Cantore

We want to file a formal complaint against Senator Patty Kuderder over her racist comment towards Chinese Americans on January 17th during the Senate Housing Stability & Affordability Committee meeting . Below is the link to the TVW video recording.

At  around 1:29:40, Senator Kuderer used the words “Chinese Fire Drill”, which is a known racist words towards Chinese Americans. There are 23.5% Asian Americans in Senator Kuderer’s 48th District, and many of them are Chinese Americans. Senator Kuderer has the reputation of treating Chinese Americans without respect. What happened on the 17th was not an isolated instance. We request the Senate to investigate and we demand Senator Kuderer to issue an official apology to Chinese Americans.


WA Asians For Equality
American Coalition for Equality

2 thoughts on “Joint Complaint Filed Against Senator Patty Kuderer Over Usage of Racist Words”

  1. WA Asians for Equality, good job spotting this racist words from Senator Kuderer! Good job for fighting the right battle! We want a community without racist lens to any specific races, subraces, etc. Let us work on keeping those legislators accountable for what they say and what they do. Hopefully they will be more willing to put down their Ego.


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