Asian Americans Rallying Behind Senator Mark Miloscia

30th District Senator Mark Miloscia is widely considered a hero to many local Asian Americans. The video clip of him questioning Senator Bob Hasegawa during SB6406 public hearing has been widely circulated among Asian Americans with Chinese and Korean subtitles. SB6406 intended to quietly repeal I-200, an initiative that passed with 59% voter support 20 years ago, and bans discrimination and preferential treatment based on race, color, sex, or nation of origin. When people learned that House Representative Cindy Ryu has been intimidating local Korean American community, and discouraging Asian Americans from supporting Mark’s re-election campaign, a group of Asian Americans stepped up their support.

On October 6th, Senator Mark Miloscia had a meeting with more than 40 Asian Americans at Newcastle Library. Mr. John Carlson, who led a successful campaign that passed Initiative 200 in 1998, gave a speech at the meeting. Mr. Carlson praised Senator Miloscia as “hero for the cause of individual liberty and civil rights.” Senator Miloscia talked about the value system he grew up with: “study, hard work, and take care of family”. People attended the meeting could not agree more. Senator Miloscia discussed I-200, safe injection site, fiscal responsibility, and education with attendees.

Senator Miloscia Meet-and-Greet
Senator Mark Miloscia Speaking at Meet-and-Greet and Asian Americans

After the meeting, donations started to pour into Senator Miloscia’s campaign. People also attended Senator Miloscia’s fundraising event on Oct. 24th.  As of Nov. 1st PDC report, Asian Americans have donated more than $10,000 to Senator Miloscia’s campaign and accounted for 7% of his campaign’s individual contributions.

Doorbelling for Senator Miloscioa
Volunteers doorbelling for Senator Mark Miloscia

People also started to organize volunteer efforts for Senator Miloscia. Volunteers came from as far as 45th District to doorbell for Senator Miloscia. They doorbelled weekdays, weekends. Whenever they can find time, they would show up at Senator Miloscia’s office. The more doors they knocked on for Senator Milosica, the more they learned about Senator Miloscia. His community supports him. They want to re-elect him.  Volunteers also did phonebank for Senator Miloscia.

Tonight, we’ll be waiting for the results with Senator Milosica’s team. Re-elect Senator Mark Miloscia!


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