An 8th Grade Student’s Petition to the WA Legislature To Establish January as Americans of Chinese Descent History Month

Lauren Ouyang, an 8th grade student at Rosehill Middle School, just won the middle school category young activist award at a national essay competition held by the Chinese American community (  ). The topic of the essay competition is “The importance and the value of having Washington State to officially recognize January as Americans of … Read more

A 7th Grade Student’s Petition to the WA Legislature To Establish January as Americans of Chinese Descent History Month

Youlan Wang, a 7th grade student at Odle Middle School, just won the middle school category award at a national essay competition held by the Chinese American community (  ). The topic of the essay competition is “The importance and the value of having Washington State to officially recognize January as Americans of Chinese Descent … Read more

News Alert – Central Valley High School Junior Lucy He’s Essay Has Been Selected as the Petition Letter to the WA Legislature

For Immediate ReleaseOctober 3, 2022 Lucy He’s essay, urging the WA Legislature to establish January as Americans of Chinese Descent History Month, has been selected as the petition letter. Bellevue Washington – October 3, 2022 – Lucy He, a junior at Central Valley High School in Spokane Valley, won a national essay competition. Her essay … Read more


Please support the Chinese American community and sign the petition to establish January as Americans of Chinese Descent History Month. Below is a petition letter to the WA legislature drafted by Lucy He, an 11th grade student from Washington. Dear Washington State Legislature, Inconsistency, billboards, frustration. That is what is behind the momentum and vigor … Read more

A Letter to the House Democrat Caucus

The below letter was sent to every member of the House Democrat Caucus via email and USPS. Dear House Democratic Caucus Members & Leadership Team, We represent one of the largest, most organized, and quickly growing groups that advocates for Asian American issues, especially Chinese American issues, in Washington State. We are also connected with … Read more

Public Testimony Opposing HB 1727

HB 1727 would eliminate the statewide general election in odd-numbered years. It would effectively take away people’s constitutional right to propose and repeal laws via initiatives and referendums in odd-numbered years. We testified against it at the House committee public hearing on January 19, 2022. Below is our testimony: Thank you, Chair Valdez and members … Read more