We received anonymous tips on I-1000 petition form irregularities. One of which is to do with the front of I-1000 petition form. The tip reads”
“a big number of them they tried to use stickers to cover up the fronts with the correct text and they suspect after people had signed the petition but before they were turned in basically during the process the initiative people gather everything together to submit. basically the stickers were in totally better condition than the initiative paper”
We captured a version of I-1000 petition form on August 31st. As you can see, its languages are completely different from what AG approved I-1000 ballot title and ballot measure summary.
I-1000 petition captured on 8/31
Ballot title and ballot measure summary on the above I-1000 petition form read:
Statement of Subject:
Initiative Measure No. 1000 concerns affirmative action and preferential treatment.
Concise Description:
This measure would allow government to implement affirmative action that does not constitute preferential treatment in public employment, education, and contracting in certain circumstances and would define affirmative action and preferential treatment.
This measure would amend state law to allow government to remedy, in the areas of public employment, education, and contracting, documented or proven discrimination against military veterans and certain historically underrepresented or disadvantaged groups. It would amend state law to allow government to implement affirmative action that does not constitute preferential treatment in certain circumstances. It would define affirmative action and preferential treatment. The measure would establish a Governor’s commission on diversity, equity, and inclusion
However, the AG approved I-1000 ballot title and ballot measure summary read:
Statement of Subject:
Initiative Measure No. 1000 concerns remedying discrimination and
affirmative action.Concise Description:
This measure would allow the state to remedy discrimination for certain
groups and to implement affirmative action, without the use of quotas or preferential treatment (as defined), in public education, employment, and contracting.BALLOT MEASURE SUMMARY
This measure would allow the state to remedy documented or proven discrimination against, or underrepresentation of, certain disadvantaged groups. It would allow the state to implement affirmative action in public education, employment, and contracting if the action does not use quotas or preferential treatment. It would define affirmative action and preferential treatment. The measure would establish a Governor’s commission on diversity, equity, and inclusion, and require the commission to draft implementing legislation and publish reports.
Notice that the version we captured on August 31st states the measure “would amend state law to allow government to remedy, in the areas of public employment, education, and contracting, documented or proven discrimination against military veterans“? This was actually a tactic I-1000 signature collectors had been using to lure people into signing the petition. We have received reports regarding their misleading signature gathering practices. One of the reports reads:
“While Christmas shopping today at Capital Mall in Olympia, I was approached by an I-1000 ballot signature explorer. At first his introduction was that he needed signatures to secure opportunities for veterans. When I stepped up to his table to view the ballot things went from bad to worse. As I mentioned he stated the primary cause was veteran support. (he was wearing a USMC hat) I started to remove the ballot from the clipboard which had a rubber band along the top and bottom of each clipboard at the table. I wanted to read the reverse side verbiage. He took the clipboard from me and reattached the rubberband before I had a chance to read the fine Print. He then searched under the table for an information card which he handed me. I tried to photograph him but he remained with his back to me. He even stated he was representing the Commanding General at JBLM, who specifically tasked him to obtain the signatures. “
I-1000 people are completely unethical. They played dirty tricks to mislead people in order to gather signatures. And then, they tried to cover up their lies using stickers? How disgraceful those people are! I-1000 should be completely disqualified.
The 30th District Republicans are on your side against I-1000.
Our Chair is Jim Stiles 253-312-1711 and email is chair30thwagop@gmail.com.
We want to help on the NO on I-1000 campaign in the 30th District.